Just so you know (Just Social Know) - I love ambiguity!
It allows me to do my job and talk in the unconscious mind of my client while their conscious mind works out which meaning to use. I can do that because I am an Expert! As it happens, a Master Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, fast becoming a Social Media Coach, amongst other things
Social Media usage grows and with it, experts arise. So what is an “Expert”?
An expert is a person or entity that is recommended by a third party to you and then you either accept the third party’s judgement and agree that the person called the “Expert” is an expert or not.
Whether they have the knowledge to back up their expertise is not part of the the initial equation. That is second tranche
When you decide they are an expert, you then open up your listening and may be your mind, to their output.
I read a lot from and get advise from lots of Social Media experts and I am already seeing contradiction. It is inevitable and happens in every field of expertise. I wouldn’t trust any NLP Practitioner that didn’t question me!
What follows contradiction is confusion. However, installing confusion is a very useful state if you wish to influence someone. I use confusion when dealing with clients. Again, it preoccupies their conscious mind while I work on their unconscious state.
What is Social Media?
To my mind, Social Media is whatever you agree it to be with your network. Agreement is the key and your network is who you do it with - not the expert. You, with them, are the expert on your sociability!
Lack of Agreement = Assumption
I like Landmark Education’s thinking! I read it as Agreement first!
Even if there is no agreement, as they say “Having agreement in the face of no agreement”. Why do I mention this? Because Lack of Agreement = Assumption
If there is lack of agreement then assumption is all that's left and as they say
“Assumption makes an ass out of you and me!”
Assumption will eventually lead to breakdown and Breakdown will lead to Breakthrough and the cycle starts again, usually leaving casualties, .i.e. people left behind or jobless and much more severe states like poverty and starvation! *
* see below for how to be supportive
So, in the conflicting views that I get about Social Media and what it is supposed to be, I have to agree my values with my fellow posters or Tweeps.
Here, I go along with Thomas Power of Ecademy and Mick Say of Online Marketing Academy, amongst others. You have to
be Open, Random and Supportive
Open, Random and Supportive versus Closed Selective and Controlling
I recently heard Daniel Priestly speak about Social Media.
Social Media is a phenomena – it hasn’t happened before, we are in Social Revolution.
When Wikileaks broke the reaction of the UK Prime Minister, amongst others, was to close down his Twitter account (Closed Selective and Controlling) and not to to communicate in that way. He didn’t capitalise on the event, he shut down.
I think I understand why but what was the message? (In the face of no agreement, only assumption is left.)
If I choose, I can assume that I am not to be trusted with what he knows. That it is not for my ears and I am just not that important enough – I can make up almost any negative reason I like.
The point is there is no agreement so assumption is the only alternative.
I agree with Daniel Priestley’s view that we are migrating from The Industrial Revolution to The Social Revolution.
Industrial to Social Revolution
The Industrial Revolution has led to Business needing controls, selecting what it outputs to protect its image or brand, having controls in place to keep its design intact, managed by systems!
At some point Customer Processing transformed into the misnomer Customer Service – Tweeps and Peeps our needs are being processed through systems not relationships. Businesses are having closed relationships with us.
Socially, never before has the individual had so much clout to change business, society, politics - you name it - so quickly!
Socially, never before has an individual had the clout to promote their cause, beliefs, values - you name it - so quickly!
To get an idea of the velocity, look at David McCandless’s work - http://aypee.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/the-beauty-of-data-visualization/
He says, “Let the dataset change the Mind Set” and refers to the broadband of our senses, where Visual and Kinaesthetic input lead the charge.
Social media uses our senses and Visual and Kinaesthetic are high impact!
We are amidst a social revolution which some businesses have capitalised and most politicians have not.
Now I believe there is a danger that business will try to own Social Media and determine what it is and so will politics (Control)
The recent UK Riots has seen Politics try to restrict Social Media – Good luck with that, by the way – as if Social Media is to blame for the rioting (Closed Selective and Controlling).
The rioters that used Social Media to communicate their sad operations to others were using tools of communication – you can’t blame a hammer for the damage it may cause. It is the person that is holding the hammer that inflicts the damage and they are inflicting it with no agreement.
No Agreement = No Clout = Assumption = Breakdown = Influence = Clout = Revolution
With the velocity that Social Media has, there is very little point in being Closed Selective and Controlling, any more. It won’t work!
So the information super highway has evolved into the Social Super Highway and influence is the key to success. Influence can only happen through Relationships (Kinaesthetic) and Relationships function inside of community (Social Networks).
The relationships require sensual input. Taking Sensual bandwidths as the priorities for influencing me with your Social output, you need to stimulate me with :
Visual input - Kinaesthetic input
- Auditory input
- Gustatory Olfactory
See http://aypee.wordpress.com/2011/08/05/thats-a-lie/
It is pointless to add control to the process!
No Agreement = No Clout = Assumption = Breakdown = Influence = Clout
= Revolution = <<Open, Random Supportive>>
+ <<Closed Selective and Controlling>>
= No Agreement = No Clout = Assumption = Breakdown = Influence = Clout = Revolution = <Open, Random Supportive>> again
Just So You Know @AyPee says Social Media
- is whatever you agree with your network
- needs to be Open, Random and Supportive
- is about relationships then influence
- needs to stimulate Visual, Kinaesthetic and Auditory responses in that order
and without control
That's my brand but only if you agree
* please support the work of
images warrencass.com