The following is from my friend, Samuel D Naples’ Facebook page
Is your brain right or left?
Chetana Keni, psychologist and founder of Aurinko Academy for dyslexic children, helps you determine the dominant side of your brain Take a simple situation — a spelling test is on in a classroom and the word dictated is `kite'. One child associates the word with a kite he/she had seen the other day and thinks how much fun it is to fly one. As the mind wanders and the word finally written, the child realises that another word has been called out in the meanwhile. Repeat the next word? — the first child calls out. In this time, another child has already written down the word and waits for the next one. Another situation — two people attend the same party separately. They meet a dozen new people. The first remembers the new acquaintances by their names. The other remembers them by what they were wearing or where they were sitting or even by their voices. But the names? Well, who remembers that? In situation one, the first child is right brain dominant and the other is left brain dominant and in the second situation, the first person is left brain dominant and the second is right brain dominant.
Which side of your brain is dominant?
Take this quiz to find out.If you have answered more As than Bs then you have right brain dominant characteristics. Greater Bs display left brain characteristics. Equal number of As and Bs show both characteristics. The above quiz is only an indicative of brain dominance and is not a standardised test for detecting brain dominance. One needs to get a thorough clinical assessment done from a certified clinical psychologist to get the actual reference.
- a) With a new task, I want to try and find the best way to do it. b) With a new task, I like to be told what the best way to do it is.
- a) I think it is easier to draw a map and explain the directions. b) I feel telling the directions is better than drawing a map.
- a) I would rather explore and find a way to assemble something. b) I will read the directions before assembling something.
- a) I remember landmarks on roads. b) I remember names of roads.
- a) I usually lose track of time. b) I constantly look at a clock or wear a watch.
- a) It's okay if it gets a little late, it's not like you or I have a flight to catch. b) I like to keep timings at all costs.
- a) I rely on my gut feeling when I have to make a decision. b) I write down the pros and cons before taking a decision.
- a) I try to find at least 2-3 ways to solve a problem. b) I try to find one good way to solve a problem.
- a) People can't understand how I find my things. b) People feel that I am very organised.
- a) I start many jobs that I may not finish. b) I finish a task before starting with a new one.
- a) I see the big picture and then work my way to it. b) I like to get all details sorted out before I look at the big picture.
- a) I really don't prefer working in a group. b) Working in a group is easy provided all follow rules and sequence of procedure.
- a) I can speak while reading or writing. b) I can write or read best in silence.
- a) I am flexible and sometimes unpredictable. b) I am consistent.
- a) I feel college education is not important, I can still make it with my talent and creativity. b) I am born to be a doctor, engineer or a lawyer.
- a) It's easy for me to understand mathematical concepts and abstract theories. b) I am better at mathematical calculations than applying concepts.
- a) I like easy-to-use electronic gadgets. b) I am actually good with complicated machinery.
- a) Impromptu activities interest me. b) I like to follow a given schedule.
- a) I like to move about when giving a presentation. b) I usually stand in a place when giving a presentation.
- a) Routine bores me. b) Familiarity reassures me.
Which side are you on?
It is a proven fact that the two hemispheres of the brain control vastly different aspects of thoughts and actions. Both the right and the left halves of the brain have their own specialisations and shortcomings. The left side is dominant for language and speech and the right side is for visual-motor tasks. For most of us, one half becomes more dominant than the other. Chetana points out that most often left brain dominant people are involved in standard jobs, while right brain dominant people opt for something out-of-the-ordinary. But, she adds, just because one has a particular brain dominance it does not mean one should be typecast in a particular way. "With the correct attitude and hard work, you can still achieve your dreams," says Chetana.When left feels right
Left brain dominant personalities understand sequence and are well organised and look into details. They understand logical sequences and abide by rules. They explain a situation starting with the details and then go to the main picture. They are factual and can be argumentative and will counter every argument with systematic points. They like to plan ahead of a trip or project and are less likely to be impulsive. They are punctual and tidy. They like to stick to familiar solutions and resist anything new and untried. Right brain dominant personalities don't go from point A to point B but ricochet from different angles and views. They would rather explore than wait for a handout telling them what to do. They visualise better and explain their ideas through examples. They are dreamers, risk-takers, non-judgmental and can see both sides of an argument. They embrace new ideas and in an argument can frustrate the other side by bringing out random comments
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