This article is By Brian P Lewis and appears at
Its a perspective on teaching that occurred to me in the opposite way:
when I teach I learn.
It is the change in position and perspective from which you listen, see, smell, taste, touch and discuss with yourself.
- For starters the words flow out from you to external listeners and not inside to yourself.
- Your tonality is probably different and you need to emphasise differently so that you talk into someone else’s listening.
Your body posture is active or different when you talk externally and your awareness is on both internal and external elements – Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Olfactory and even Gustatory
All in in all your senses are more actively engaged and the reality you experience is that much bigger. Therefore the experience richer!
As I have heard so many times, from Paul McKenna and many others in the NLP fraternity: “Bigger, Brighter, Bolder”
Have a Big, Bright and Bold day and see, hear, smell, taste and touch what you learn, because you did
When You Learn, Teach
I can't claim this beautiful phrase for myself, I borrowed it from one of my most favourite people in the World, Maya Angelo. When I first heard her speak these words I knew I had to write about what they mean to me.
If we keep our ears and eyes open and we are willing to let our minds be free to accept newness, the we we have prepared our souls to learn. Learning is on-going and constant, we can't help but learn every minute of everyday. The problem is that most of what we learn we take for granted or become selfish with our discovery. God intended for all of us to teach, and once we learn we must teach.
This is the circle of love. When we learn, we then must teach, the circle then keeps going as we continue to pass our discovery's on. As I grow each day, I learn the great value and satisfaction of giving something. Each time I give to someone else it makes me a more complete person. When I teach I am giving and my reward is the passing of the lesson.
As a child I was so blessed to have a school that I went to that allowed me to be myself at all times. There was no bullying or hate. There was a focus on teaching and learning, it was not based on grades and keeping score. This allowed the schools environment to be free from judgment of students and solely focused on the strengths of that child. I remember learning such things like how to run a bank and how to build a house from the foundation to the roof. This was all before I turned 10.
Teaching is a gift but not one that needs a degree. We all are teachers and we must not let our lessons go quiet and sit within us. It is our responsibility to teach when we learn. Take some today and give of yourself, teach someone something that you learned today, yesterday or years ago. I promise it will invigorate you to another level. Your sense of pride and giving of our self will make you feel like a new person.
Everyday there are people everywhere starving for information. Some people are just looking for basic answers to basic things. We hold the power within, we hold the knowledge. It was given to us, so therefor we must give it back.
Chef Brian is a trained Chef, Author and Mentor. You can read more articles at his blog
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