Thursday 9 September 2010

Seeing the funny side of things keeps you alive

I enjoy Phyllis Diller’s one liners!

In point of fact I posted  “Health – what my friends are always drinking to before they fall down” on  31st May.

My favourite is

image A smile is the curve that sets everything straight

       She also, so truthfully said

Look at Bob Hope. Look at Milton Berle, George Burns. Look how long they lived! Seeing the funny side of things keeps you alive


image Phyllis Diller was concise and sharp both as a comedienne and comedy writer.

She discovered and read  "The Magic of Believing" many times, which gave her confidence to believe in herself and change her life. She learned how to focus on one task at a time

 "The Magic of Believing" was published in 1948
by Claude M. Bristol   (1891-1951)

source image quotes

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